Sura Medura Sri Lanka residency_arrivals
Arrivals in Hikkaduwa Writing after our first week in Hikkaduwa, gathering thoughts and slightly losing track of time, 5.5 hours ahead of UK time, on the Sura Medura artists residency with a fascinating and inspiring group of artists from Scotland and England: Tanuja Amarasuriya and writer/composer Timothy X Atack from Sleepdogs, Rob Mulholland, Emma Brierley, Claire Raftery and Damian Wright from Periplum, Subathra […]
Cove Park research

Research at Cove Park with an inspiring group of artists and choreographers co-ordinated by Pal Labs. Working collaboratively in a short time scale to create work based on themes of dance, choreography, location and environment. Photos taken during the week on flickr.
gathering sample wooden pieces

A journey to Dumfries-shire to collect some sample set pieces for the development of Scotch Hoppers, big open skies and hills are around.