visual art
Sura Medura Sri Lanka residency_ reflections
Back in Glasgow watching the snow fall gently on an Easter Monday afternoon and reflecting on 6 weeks of sunshine and creativity at the Sura Medura residency in Sri Lanka, an inspiring, creative and immersive experience. Spending time in the company of the other artists; finding friendships, inspiring conversations, adventures in Hikkauwa and around Sri […]
Sura Medura Sri Lanka residency_half way
This week marks the halfway point of the Sura Medura residency project. We have all settled into a working pattern at the Sunbeach hotel, sharing mealtimes together and then working on each of our own projects during the days, sharing ideas and developments with each other over food and evening gin and tonic watching the […]
Sura Medura Sri Lanka residency_arrivals
Arrivals in Hikkaduwa Writing after our first week in Hikkaduwa, gathering thoughts and slightly losing track of time, 5.5 hours ahead of UK time, on the Sura Medura artists residency with a fascinating and inspiring group of artists from Scotland and England: Tanuja Amarasuriya and writer/composer Timothy X Atack from Sleepdogs, Rob Mulholland, Emma Brierley, Claire Raftery and Damian Wright from Periplum, Subathra […]
Artistes a Suivre residency May 2016
Brian was invited to be Artis in residency at the Artistes a Suivre visual arts festival in France in May 2016. The festival takes place in the south of France, in a valley in the Languedoc Region of France. During the festival Brian worked with a local school in Couiza, working with young people in […]
Photography and design for Candoco Dance Company online publication
Candoco Dance Company’s In Dialogue programme is a series of conversations with influential artists and practitioners, aiming to advance the level and clarity of artistic and critical dialogue within the dance and disability sector. Curated by Luke Pell with design and photography by Brian Hartley Contributions from Marc Brew, Caroline Bowditch, Rosemary Lee, Claire Cunningham […]
Artworks Conversations drawings
drawing and animation from #ArtWorksConversations Open Space event, Dance Base Edinburgh, 16th March 2014. An inspiring day of conversation and discussions with artists working in participatory settings, hosted by Alice McGrath and Elspeth Murray.
Arts from the Start Inspiration Days
Photography and visual arts workshops at 2 inspiring conferences to support Early Years Creativity, based on Creative Skills programme run by Starcatchers. Creative Skills is an ambitious pilot programme of training which aims to put arts and creativity at the heart of Early Years practice in Scotland. Funded by the Scottish Government and Creative Scotland, […]
Cove Park research

Research at Cove Park with an inspiring group of artists and choreographers co-ordinated by Pal Labs. Working collaboratively in a short time scale to create work based on themes of dance, choreography, location and environment. Photos taken during the week on flickr.